Utility Data Systems, Inc. - Offers utility billing systems for utility industries to simplify customer care, billing and payment collection processes.
Capital Software - Offers tax and utility billing, license and permit collection software with PDA integration.
Computer Systems Development Corp - CSAS, Utility Billing and Accounting System software designed for Municipalities and Utility Districts.
Coppella and Associates - Coppella & Associates utility billing software can be tailored to fit your system like a new suit. Start to finish, easy as that.
Cpak Technology Services - Offers billing software for municipalities and companies in the energy and utility industries. Includes features and screenshots.
CTI Group - Developer of convergent billing systems that support wireline, mobile, broadband and Internet communications, as well as energy and utilities billing.
Data West Corporation - Specializes in utility billing software and related products and services.
Donald R. Frey & Company - Emphasis on financial, fund accounting, utility billing software systems for government agencies and not-for-profit organizations.
DSTi Billing - Offers utility billing and payment processing software. Includes recent news and contact details.
Information Architects Inc. - Developers of Water Ware Utility Billing and Accounting Software. They also offer custom business software.
NDS Government Systems - Developer of government and utility billing financial systems. Features training and contact information.
QuikWater - Billing management software system for rural and municipal water utility companies.
RVS Software - Unlike other Utility Billing programs that are available, RVS Utility Billing Software was designed and written by someone with hands-on experience in the utility industry.
Springbrook Software - Offering a fund-based financial suite, utility billing, payroll, and special assessments.
Suntec Business Solutions - Provides the rating, utility billing and customer care software for utility businesses.
Tri C Systems, Inc. - Customizable utility billing software and related products.
Water Utility Billing Software - "Water Solutions" is a small water / utility billing software program that includes provisions for sewer and trash billing.
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